Sunday, July 5, 2009

Beijing 2008-The Official Game


Who knew qualifying for the Olympics could be so difficult? Instead of a worldwide competition crafted around ideas that fit in with the modern gaming landscape, this is just an archaic compilation of mostly old, painful gameplay techniques that wore out their welcome decades ago. Not only do many of Beijing's events focus on the sadistic control method of rapidly tapping two buttons until your fingers burn, but the unfathomable difficulty of the early rounds makes the experience almost as grueling as training for the real thing. The few redeeming elements only squirt a few drops of perfume on the overwhelming stench of the rest of this game.

Though all 36 events in Beijing 2008 have some problem, the biggest issue is the ridiculous attributes system you use to level up your team during the qualifying rounds. For some reason, you control a group of athletes who are slow, weak, and embarrassingly out of shape. By winning qualifying events, you can pump points into categories such as power, speed, and stamina. This is in sharp contrast to real life, where competitors show up to the games fully prepared to face off against the best in the world. If you fail to achieve the goal for the day (such as placing in three of the five chosen events), you are branded a failure and have to start that day all over again. Since you are athletically inferior to all of your opponents, you'll find yourself bringing up the rear over and over again.

Every event in Beijing 2008 that involves racing is agonizing. The 11 swimming and running events all require you to repeatedly slam on the buttons to gain speed, which is not only painful but fairly unresponsive as well. Anything that requires pure speed--such as the 100-meter dash--is nearly impossible. After you take your mark, you'll have to anxiously wait for the starter pistol to blast before you can begin. The problem is, there are no audio or visual indicators to tell you when the gun will fire. You have to keep count in your head, which means you will often find yourself starting well after the rest of the pack or suffering a disqualification for jumping too soon. Cycling has the honor of being the worst of the included racing challenges. You have to rotate both analog sticks for more than four consecutive minutes, a technique that is the polar opposite of fun.

Minimum System Requirements:

* OS: Windows XP
* Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2.4 Ghz or Equivalent
* Memory: 1 GB
* Video Memory: 6600 Nvidia graphics card or ATI equivalent with support for Pixel
* hader 3.
* Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
* DirectX: 9.0c
* Keyboard & Mouse
* DVD Rom Drive

Recommended System Requirements:

* OS: Windows XP / Vista
* Processor: AMD or Intel Dual Core Processor
* Memory: 1 GB
* Video Memory: 7800 Nvidia graphics card or ATI equivalent.
* Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
* DirectX: 9.0c
* Keyboard & Mouse
* DVD Rom Drive


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