Friday, June 26, 2009

Soldier of Fortune-Double Helix


This is an action game -- a straight up first person shooter. Anyone can then see the problem: this type of title can become redundant. Recognizing this, Raven attempted to solve the problem by implementing two fundamentally different play styles to augment the straight running and gunning. In come stealth and on-rails shooting. The latter is for the most part done well. Naturally the vast exteriors scrolling by at blinding speeds aren't going to look nearly as good as the articulated buildings and bases of SoF II, but they run fast enough and are scripted well enough to be entertaining. Later on into the game some pretty exciting rides occur, delivering on exactly what they were designed to do: break up play and add diversity.

The problem is with the "Stealth" missions. Like Elite Force and Red Faction, they are poorly developed afterthoughts that actually hamper play and frustrate more than please. I detest instant failures and trial and error. I absolutely abhor that kind of copout gameplay, and Soldier of Fortune II has some of it, enough anyway to displease me and dissuade those with tempers and egos. See, me and you, we're real gamers. When we see a bunch of difficulty settings, we skip right over the first two (sissy and pansy, respectively) and pick one from the harder settings (normal to us is hard for everyone else, and then there's our, "I have no life and will play until my eyes bleed," which of course equates to "don't even try it" for everyone else). But playing like we do means contending with limited saves, and in trial and error situations, this thoroughly sucks.
Minimum System Requirements:

* OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
* Processor: Pentium 3 @ 450 MHz
* Memory: 128 MB
* Video Memory: 16 MB
* Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
* DirectX: 8.0
* Keyboard & Mouse
* CD/DVD Rom Drive

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